Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 1 to Boise, Idaho

Hi Friends!
 I am writing from my hotel in Boise, Idaho.   We checked in about an hour ago.  Ok, let's start from the beginning.  We did end up packing most of our stuff the night before ( I know you are shaking your head Heather lol).  We got up.  Petey went for a run and I slept some more.  LOL  We went to pick up our rental care @noon.  While Petey was getting the paperwork done, I went to Kohl's to drop off my house key to Heather.  Wasn't really able to talk to Heather because a few valued customers were in the store trying to return some things that they had bought in April.  Its September, People!  We finally came home, but not before heading to Starbucks for 2 cake pops, a grande passion ice tea with 3 splenda, and a grande sugar free hazelnut latte.  Yay!!!!  My first purchase since getting my Starbucks gold card!  OCD people love getting rewarded for for something they need to track.  LOL  Anyways, we did manage to fit all the stuff in the car.  It was looking ify there for a moment or two.    You would think  I'm moving to Florida with all the stuff I'm bringing.  HaHa!  It reminds me of my mom-in-law when she comes to spend the weekend with us.  Yup, I packed a lot.  But its 3 weeks.  Anyhoo, I forgot to tell you the worst part so far.  Guess what kind of car we ended up renting??  Yeah, a nasty Chevy.  I hate all things Chevy.  I'm a Ford gal all the way.  I will take a pic of the rental car tomorrow.  I forgot to do it before it got dark.  Anyways, the chevy runs ok.  Its not as bad as I thought it would be, but it sure would have been great to have a ford.  I miss my car!  Nothing overtly exciting happened on the drive over here.  I did almost have an Illinois situation twice today.  Twice, I tell you!  LOL  First of all, for those who don't know what the Illinois situation was when I almost went potty all over myself on the way back from Maryland in March.  David and I were driving in Chicago and it just kept getting worse and worse.  Finally, I couldn't hold it anymore.  I was trying to hold it so we could get to the Cracker Barrel. David got to the exit and missed the turn into the gas station.  There was a movie theater a few blocks down.  He pulled into the back of the theater and I almost didn't make it out of the car.  It was horrible.  David said it sounded like someone had their thumb over a hose spraying water.  Not an experience I ever want to live through again.  Unfortunately for me, I almost did come close today.  I took a nap while David was driving.  When I woke up, I had to go so bad.  It kept getting worse and worse.  We were in the middle of eastern Washington with nothing in sight but blue skies and mountains.   David missed the road to the first gas station that came along.  I was flippin' out.  We finally found a gas station and I almost didn't make it into the bathroom.  But I'm happy to say that I did make it and waterfall puddles were avoided.  LOL  Then it was my turn to drive.  I drove us all the way to our hotel for the night.  Though David kept saying we were losing time as I drove cause I drive so slow.  I really don't.  LOL  I only added like 2 minutes to our destination time and it was because of all the windy roads through the mountains.   We missed several view points that would have made some great pics for the blog, but maybe we can hit them up on the way back.  We kept saying, "oh that would make a great pic for the blog."  And then we'd just drive on by.  It was so fun listening to music and singing along with my babe!  Awesome Times!  Back to situation #2.  When we pulled into the hotel, Petey went in to get our room and all of a sudden it hit me again.  Out of the blue.  He got back in and I was about to die.  We had to drive around the hotel to find our room.  Unfortunately, we missed it the first time around and had to have a second go round.  LOL  Its my luck.  David said he doesn't like me very much when I need to go potty.  I admit, I don't like me very much either.  LOL  I made it ok, though.  So now, I'm gonna go brush my teeth, read for a bit, and go to sleep.  I'll write more tomorrow.  We did take a few pics of some mountains.  Beauteous!  Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.  I miss y'all already.  =0)  

PS  I forgot to tell you that after leaving Kohls to go back to the rental car place..what do I see?? Ulta!!!!  Its coming soon.  I stopped breathing for a second.  It thrills my soul.  I love that place.  And you will too Carrie!!!!   Also, the pictures don't do what we saw justice...just an fyi!

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