Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 2..from Idaho to Utah!

Hi Everyone!  I'm sorry this is a day late, but I couldn't get the wifi to connect @ the hotel last night.  So here goes...

We left Idaho about 10am and entered Utah about 2 hours later.  I made up a new game along the way.  Every time I saw a subway sign on the highway I would say, "There's a subway."  And David would reply, "Eat Fresh."  It was silly, but helped pass the time.  And we all know how I love subway.  We stopped there for lunch and we also ate there the day before.  You can't beat $5 foot longs.  Another thing we used to pass the time, was David's audiobook on Medieval times.  Very interesting.  I've learned many things about feudalism and simony.  Other things too that I can't recall at the moment.  LOL  It was pretty good.  The guy has a nice proper British accent that sounds like he just came out of a college classroom.  It was Brillant.  LOL   

After entering Utah, we had an unexpected excursion.  We saw a sign for Gold Spike National Historic Site.  I had never heard of the gold spike, but Petey had and we decided to check it out.  It was very cool.  The gold spike is one of 4 gold spikes that were used to commemorate when the west railway met the east railway.  They didn't have the actual gold spike there.  Its at Stanford because the president of the central pacific (the railway from the west) was Leland Stanford.  They did have a replica.  You also could see replica steam engines.  And of course, they had a golden tie showing you where the two railways met.  I enjoyed it immensely.  I love serendipitous  moments.  For more information about The Golden Spike go here...
Our next stop was Salt Lake City.  I had wanted to see 2 things there.  The Mormon Temple and Ballet West.  I didn't get to see Ballet West.  I had no idea where it was and I was to lazy to google it.  LOL  But we did spend about half an hour exploring Temple square.  Its beautiful.  They have colorful flowers everywhere and they smell really good.  Lots of reflecting pools and fountains.  The temple is huge and I thought it was very peaceful there.  They did have a film crew interviewing people.  I was getting very anxious and praying silently inside (but God still heard) that they wouldn't try to interview me.  My prayers were answered and they left me alone.  LOL  Lots of mormons were around.  I kept thinking they could tell I wasn't a mormon and that they would want to convert me.  No one approached me.  I was happy.  =0)  David was having problems of his own.  There was lots of brick sidewalks.  He kept getting disoriented by the brick patterns.  I thought he must be dehydrated, but he said he felt better once were out of there.  Not sure what to think of that.  LOL  It seemed all of downtown was owned by mormons.  Its crazy.  I knew Utah was deseret, but I just didn't realize the scope.   On a side note...the capital building was very pretty.  It sat up on a hill overlooking the city.  I wish I had got a picture, but I didn't.  Fun observation of the day was that we did not see any Starbucks signs until we were in Salt Lake City.  Its funny because Mormons don't drink coffee and tea.  They make up most of the Utah population.  So we were so surprised to see at least 2 different Starbucks in the big city.  

When we were making our way out of SLC it was during rush hour.  There was a lot of traffic.  Not as bad as other cities, but still there were a lot of vehicles trying to get home.  Here is where I had my first of two near death experiences of the day.  David got road rage at some red mini cooper.  The mini cut in front of us at a red light.  As we were stopping for the light, David just kept going and going.  I truly thought he was gonna hit the red mini.  I started having heart palpitations.  I guess I braced myself for impact.  Apparently I started sliding down in my seat, grabbed the oh crap bar, and tried to push on my phantom brakes.  David saw me and he is still chuckling about it.  He wishes he had a video of me.  No known video exists.  LOL  I still get chills thinking how close he came to hitting that car.  It was scary business.  He says he never came close to hitting her.  The jury is still out on that one.  In fact, I just read him this part of the blog and he is smiling big smiles about it.  I don't find it funny.  

Later on that night, I got my own sweet revenge (but only slightly).  I took over driving at night.  David had nice straight highways during the day.  Not so for me.  Its pitch black dark and windy curvy roads.  It was terrible.  You couldn't see anything.  I had to keep slowing down and David kept saying that I was losing minutes again.  I kept complaining about not being able to see.  David was like turn the high beams on.  Since its a rental car, I didn't know how.  He told me to turn the button on the dash.  I did and it went total black.  The lights were out.  The car is  still moving along and we can no longer see.  We have no idea if we are about to go off the side of a cliff or hit something.  Luckily, it only lasted a few seconds until I turned the button back and the lights came on again.  But those few seconds scared the living daylights out of us.  If I hadn't been so scared myself, I would have been deliriously happy about getting my revenge on David for earlier in the day.  We later found out that to turn high beams on, you have to push the left bar away from you.  Duh!  LOL  A few minutes later, we saw a deer on the side of the road.  Fortunately, it didn't try to run out in front of us.  But David was on edge for the rest of the ride to the hotel.  He kept watching for deer while I tried to stay on the road.  LOL  Well, thats day 2.  Day 3 coming soon.  Ciao!

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